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Avoid 3 crucial mistakes when planning for your child with special needs.
You've fought for your child to have the best care and education available. You've sacrificed money, time, and career to be available for them. But what will happen to them when you die? How can you prepare?

No one can support and advocate for your child the way you do. But leaving money for your child can help purchase services and pay for a comfortable place to live after you're gone. Unless you're a multi-millionaire, your child will also need public benefits to pay for medical care and basic expenses. Request our free e-book to find out how to both provide for your child and keep their benefits -- and how to avoid common mistakes.
Get your free e-book:
3 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid when Planning for Your Child with Special Needs

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Provide for you child's future now.
Call Sonin Law today at (530) 662-2226 for an appointment to discuss setting up a Special Needs Trust.

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